posco publicity

about megan posco

I’ve spent the entire­ty of my career as a non­fic­tion book pub­li­cist, work­ing in-house and out-of-house, with well-known pub­lic fig­ures and unknown first-time authors.

After work­ing a few years at a book pub­lic­i­ty firm, it became clear that the mod­el of charg­ing incred­i­bly expen­sive month­ly retain­ers cre­ates a bar­ri­er to entry and repro­duces the inequal­i­ty already baked into the pub­lish­ing indus­try. When this is how pub­lic­i­ty works, the ideas that get the biggest mega­phone are not nec­es­sar­i­ly the wor­thi­est but the most moneyed.

The books that I love to publicize—those that imag­ine a bet­ter future and offer new per­spec­tives on impor­tant issues—are often writ­ten by peo­ple who don’t have the resources to work with expen­sive PR and mar­ket­ing firms. I’m hop­ing to address dis­par­i­ties in expo­sure and lev­el the play­ing field for aca­d­e­mics, first-time authors, indie press­es, and mar­gin­al­ized voic­es by pro­vid­ing high-qual­i­ty pub­lic­i­ty with­out the big city premium.

I pride myself on cul­ti­vat­ing true part­ner­ships with writ­ers. I only work on projects that I gen­uine­ly care about and believe I can add val­ue to. As my authors nav­i­gate the maze of launch­ing their books, I pro­vide hon­est feed­back and real­is­tic expec­ta­tions, brain­storm all man­ner of ideas, and offer best prac­tices on all things book promotion.

In the two years since I launched Posco Pub­lic­i­ty, ser­vice has become an essen­tial part of my busi­ness. As part of my pro bono work, I rep­re­sent John J. Lennon, an incar­cer­at­ed jour­nal­ist writ­ing from Sul­li­van Cor­rec­tion­al Facil­i­ty in upstate New York. In 2024, I estab­lished the Emerg­ing Voic­es in Pub­lish­ing Award at my alma mater, UMass Low­ell. This year­ly grant will help one stu­dent in the Eng­lish depart­ment pur­sue a career in pub­lish­ing by sup­ple­ment­ing under- and unpaid intern­ships and oth­er­wise sup­port­ing their pro­fes­sion­al development.

Out­side of work, I enjoy play­ing piano, send­ing snail mail, and try­ing to keep my house­plants alive. I’m based in Cam­bridge, MA. 

out and about

I spoke with The Guardian about my work with prison jour­nal­ist John J. Lennon and the impor­tance of social media to incar­cer­at­ed people. 

My friend and fel­low pub­li­cist Cassie Mannes Mur­ray inter­viewed me for her excel­lent newslet­ter about book promotion.

Pub­lish­ers Week­ly includ­ed my per­spec­tive in a roundup of pub­lish­ing indus­try expe­ri­ences dur­ing the first year of the pandemic. 

On WBUR’s Here & Now, I shared my favorite moment from 2021: meet­ing my nephew, Cameron. 


kind words